Modular healthcare facilities are ideal for rural and remote physical locations. Ellis Modular provides physician and dental offices and clinics, urgent care, small regional hospitals, diagnostic centers and physical therapy clinics. We work with your conceptual ideas, project team, and specifications to provide healthcare facilities at a reduced cost, and with a shorter construction timeline. In addition to new builds, consider modular for expansions and additions to existing facilities to help further reduce costs and become operational sooner than traditional construction allows.
The diagrams below illustrate a “phased-build” approach to a rural hospital or large healthcare facility. As a region’s population grows and healthcare demands increase, operational capacity and specialized services can be added as needed over time.
- Family/visitor waiting area
- Reception desk
- Nurse’s station
- 4 staff offices
- 2 exam rooms, 3 exam areas
- Laboratory facilities
- X-ray room/facilities
- 19 patient care rooms
- Kitchen/staff breakroom
- Multiple utility and supply rooms
- Floorplans completely customizable to your needs
- Facilities are expandable and can be added on to as your healthcare services change
- Janitor/utility/sanitization/laundry areas
(example) 10,710 sf
103' x 162'
Variable depending on project needs and configuration
Square footage listed is approximate.
Micro-Hospital Phased Expansion Example
Existing Floor Plans
The floor plans presented here give an overview of the many facilities we have designed, built, and delivered, as well as our capabilities in customization. Our architectural team can design and create facilities to meet your specific requirements.