Greener modular construction

Feel Good Knowing Modular
is a Greener Solution

Protecting our environment and conserving our natural resources are an added benefit to modular buildings and modular project construction. Our modular construction techniques are a green alternative to traditional construction practices. With every project, we lessen the impact that our materials and operations have on the environment by physically having less materials on-site, significantly less construction activity and traffic on site, improved quality and materials management, and less disturbance during site preparation and ultimate construction.

Greener modular construction

A Greener Project

By physically having less materials on-site, significantly less construction activity and traffic, improved quality and materials management, less site disturbance during site preparation and construction, we can lessen the impact on our environment. Ellis Modular is helping transform our industry to a more environmentally friendly one while delivering a higher quality product and giving you a “greener” solution you can feel good about.

  • Fewer deliveries of materials to the job site.
  • Better materials management reduces waste.
  • In-house production recycles materials that are typically discarded.
  • Weather-protected materials result in higher air quality when completed.
  • Less physical site disturbance means less of an environmental impact.
Quality And Efficiency Management

Modular buildings and pre-fabricated construction techniques utilize controlled environments to greatly enhance the quality control process.  Materials management is easier and much more efficient since all the materials are under one roof and in the same location. This greater efficiency reduces site trips, materials waste, and spoilage.

Recycling Construction Waste

Our in-house fabrication process reuses and recycles materials that typically would be discarded at a construction site. Also, building materials are protected from the elements at all times, reducing “materials spoilage” that can take place on-site. Closer management of our materials inventory is achieved, reducing materials manufacturing and transport to a job site.

Site Traffic and Equipment Reduced

Modular construction means reduced site traffic during the construction process. The installation site is clearer of equipment and materials storage. With fewer physical disruptions to the surrounding environment and a smaller equipment footprint, we can substantially reduce the environmental impact to a job site.

Site Disturbance

Modular construction means reduced site traffic during the construction process over traditional methods. The installation site remains fairly free of construction equipment between site preparation and actual building installation. With fewer physical disruptions to the surrounding environment and a smaller equipment footprint we can substantially reduce the environmental impact to a job site.

Air Quality After Installation

Moreover, because most construction of a modular building is completed in-house, the potential for moisture contamination and retention by the raw materials is greatly reduced. With essentially “dry” materials used in construction and installed on your job site when delivered, the potential for out-gassing from trapped moisture is also reduced after your personnel move in.